Do you remember your first time? The anticipation as the lights dimmed and excitement built in the darkness. The crescendo of electricity coursing through every inch of your being. Maybe you screamed out as the energy rose to a fevered pitch. Then finally, joyfully, came that burst of release and euphoria with the opening chords as the band took the stage.
Sharing live music in any venue, large or small, is a unique and satisfying experience that makes us one with the artist and our fellow fans. Music is the connector. It is the soundtrack of our personal history, providing instant recall of sights, tastes, feelings, people and places.

Concert t-shirts are the
scrapbooks of our musical lives. They are our collectibles, to be prized and
worn proudly. We wear them to remember and to remind others. Like badges of
honor, they say "I was there" "were you?" don't you wish
you were?" and "wasn't it amazing". Some are faded and worn soft
with age; others are new, their colors fresh and exciting. None are boring.
They are objects of desire, evoking envy and admiration. How many of us saw
Mick Jagger's red tongue emblazoned across a T-shirt at our first Rolling
Stones concert and knew we had to have it? Or lusted after one from Led Zeppelin
or The Who's last tour? Every single concert T-shirt has a story to tell and a
moment to relive. And although you may have closets full of these iconic t-shirts, you just can't
resist another.
Check out our new collection of
concert T-shirts at www.brendaandeddie.com
and let's make a memory.

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